After-Hours Conversations w/Veronica

After Hours Conversations w/Veronica: Featuring Jorgie Franks

Jorgie Franks Season 1 Episode 6

In this episode, we're visited by Jorgie Franks of Jorgie, Inc. who shares her insights on sales, authenticity, acknowledging brownness, and her signature methodology for sales excellence.

For more information on Jorgie Franks:

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Direct Line: 813-239-4681

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Until next time!

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11:50:07 Yes. And you bring so much to the table.
11:50:11 I'm just excited that I was able to meet you at one of our
11:50:13 conferences. Yes.
11:50:15 And it was our conversation gave me life. And I said,
11:50:19 I need to make sure that everyone else that I know.
11:50:22 Knows you.
11:50:23 And are able to benefit from the excellence that you have to
11:50:27 provide. So I want to give you time.
11:50:28 Please, please tell us more about you.
11:50:31 Okay.
11:50:32 I'll be glad to.
11:50:42 I Georgie phrase with George incorporated and we help business
11:50:46 owners, minority owned businesses, entrepreneurs,
11:50:49 small businesses really increased their sales.
11:50:51 A book, more appointments on their calendar and close more deals.
11:50:55 It's a passion that I have in, I heard Ms.
11:50:57 Veronica lane giving me props for knocking on doors.
11:51:00 And I always say that.
11:51:05 You know,
11:51:06 it started because my father is a pastor and I was
11:51:10 learning how to knock on doors, telling people about Jesus.
11:51:12 When I was about eight years old.
11:51:13 Knocking on doors.
11:51:14 And some of those people will throw the door in your face. Right?
11:51:19 Just like in sales and then there's the people who really are
11:51:22 receptive to what you have to say is really looking at that as a
11:51:25 parallel of.
11:51:26 Being clear about why you sell and being passionate about your product
11:51:30 or service.
11:51:31 And not trying to.
11:51:33 Sell or market or bring to the world. Anything that's not real.
11:51:36 That's not authentic.
11:51:37 Send those to me now when I was younger.
11:51:44 I, I didn't think of it as sales.
11:51:46 I thought of it more of a competition. So I was in band.
11:51:50 Yes.
11:51:51 I played the flute.
11:51:53 I was in marching band. And when I was in band,
11:51:56 we would have these raffle tickets that we had to sell.
11:51:58 Okay. With the raffle tickets.
11:52:04 See, I had a whole lot of kids in the neighborhood,
11:52:06 so I would come home, literally throw the bag in the door,
11:52:08 just throw the bag in the door.
11:52:10 And then hurry up and start knocking on doors,
11:52:12 because I knew that if I waited.
11:52:14 That the other kids who were also in band with me.
11:52:16 We're going to get the houses.
11:52:28 That I needed to get like a, sell all of my raffle tickets,
11:52:30 but I time I got home.
11:52:31 And so it felt as though I was in some sort of a
11:52:35 competition of being that first person out. So.
11:52:37 I was planning.
11:52:39 Back then I was putting together a,
11:52:41 some sort of a strategy for myself. Am I going to turn right?
11:52:44 Up the street.
11:52:46 Or do I think some of the kids that are already right.
11:52:48 Are going to be coming this way. So do I need to start here?
11:52:51 And then to her left?
11:52:52 And go up the street.
11:52:53 And start talking to people.
11:52:54 So there was still some sort of a planning.
11:53:02 That I had to do,
11:53:04 or at least I felt as though that I had to do in order for me to be
11:53:07 successful. So when you're talking to your tribe,
11:53:12 How do you incorporate planning into that mix?
11:53:15 Because we have all these ideas and it just feels like it's just a
11:53:18 pile of ideas.
11:53:19 How do you help them put some order to that thought process?
11:53:23 Well, you know, part of.
11:53:28 Being a successful business owner and a planner or project
11:53:32 manager is having that foundation.
11:53:34 In that process. And I believe that.
11:53:38 For the sales tribe members,
11:53:40 I try to create and remind them of the process of.
11:53:47 You know, marketing sales, business development,
11:53:49 and making sure that they're staying true to that.
11:53:51 So we have an agenda.
11:53:53 You know, we cover weekly wins.
11:53:55 We talk about challenges and then we also cover.
11:53:58 Topics that are relevant.
11:54:11 For sales professionals. So that can be clarity.
11:54:14 That can be your calendar. That can be closing connections,
11:54:17 strategic alliances.
11:54:18 And we always try to make sure we're covering the element of the
11:54:21 process. So they become more confident in sales.
11:54:23 You have a method then? Oh yes, absolutely.
11:54:26 You gotta have a mundane.
11:54:27 I call it the agencies.
11:54:28 Sales system.
11:54:31 That I created. And most of the people who follow me,
11:54:33 they're always going to hear me talking about a sharing it,
11:54:36 because it is a.
11:54:38 Really good way to figure out really quickly where you're struggling
11:54:41 in your business.
11:54:45 When I be taking something, if I were to ask you that,
11:54:49 say what the seas were. Oh, no, not at all.
11:54:52 Even though.
11:54:57 Because the words are very simple. The first C is clarity.
11:55:01 This is where we get clear on our conscious, knowing that, Hey,
11:55:05 this is a.
11:55:06 A legit business that I'm passionate about,
11:55:08 that I care about as deeply rooted in me.
11:55:11 And we know you love project management, Veronica.
11:55:13 Then clarity of your priorities because all everyone's different and
11:55:16 one of the tricks.
11:55:24 Of just life is comparing yourself to other,
11:55:27 but if you're clear on your priorities,
11:55:29 you will not be fooled by somebody else's race because you will know.
11:55:33 That in your case where you're selling tickets,
11:55:36 all of you have the same.
11:55:49 Result that you need, but you all have different priorities.
11:55:52 Whereas you may say I'm getting off the bus, I'm going to sell.
11:55:54 The other person may have kids that they have to little sisters and
11:55:58 brothers, they had to go watch.
11:55:59 Or another one may have a elderly parent, like.
11:56:02 There are so many different elements to the race of selling the most
11:56:06 tickets.
11:56:07 And we have to know our personal priorities in order to be successful.
11:56:14 And then, and I can go on and on about clarity,
11:56:16 but clarity of your message,
11:56:18 your 32nd or your value proposition is key going from there.
11:56:21 You want to also have contacts. So do you have enough people that.
11:56:25 To sell your business or to pitch,
11:56:27 or that are qualified contacts for your business.
11:56:30 So are you getting enough leads?
11:56:31 Are you generating enough leads in your business?
11:56:33 Then the next C is once you get those leads, then what happens?
11:56:36 You need to call them.
11:56:37 You know, and some people may.
11:56:38 Message them or text them or email them both. You know,
11:56:42 I teach calling cause that is.
11:56:43 A beautiful virtual opportunity.
11:56:46 Calling people on the phone, right? That's a social distancing.
11:56:49 And then after that,
11:56:50 The calendar.
11:57:01 Being able to have a productive calendar,
11:57:04 making sure that you are time-blocking and this is where your
11:57:07 skillset is definitely a special set of skills.
11:57:11 Because you take calendar to the next level with all of your different
11:57:15 strategies. I love that.
11:57:16 You helped us a bunch.
11:57:18 And then after that you want to have that sales conversation.
11:57:22 I call it the care story because that's when you show them how you're
11:57:24 going to care for them.
11:57:26 And you find out what their real needs are. You move on to closing.
11:57:29 Is that means a lot of different things where a lot of different
11:57:32 businesses then.
11:57:33 Connection. So you're staying connected to that person,
11:57:36 even if you don't.
11:57:41 If a closing potentially can be money,
11:57:44 but it may be just be a referral or an introduction, or, you know,
11:57:47 Next meeting.
11:57:53 So these are all crucial elements.
11:57:55 And then the AFC is confidence because you can not sell if you do not
11:57:58 have swagger. So that is.
11:58:00 Why they call it real play and role play.
11:58:02 Because the more confident you are in your scripts and your delivery,
11:58:05 the more successful you'll be.
11:58:07 Overall.
11:58:08 In sales.
11:58:09 So it comes into the heart then.
11:58:11 Yes you are.
11:58:17 You are asking us to provide our authentic selves.
11:58:21 And this is something that you're passionate about.
11:58:23 Yeah.
11:58:24 Whether you knew that you were selling or not.
11:58:26 Yeah, you're always selling because they can feel your energy.
11:58:31 They can tell that this is something that I really want.
11:58:34 And because I care about you.
11:58:40 I'm of course going to tell you about something that I truly care
11:58:44 about, especially if I think that it's going to help you.
11:58:46 I love your methodology.
11:58:48 What did you call it? What.
11:58:49 Eighth.
11:58:51 CS eight CS. Yeah.
11:58:54 So.
11:58:55 ACS and it's.
11:59:07 Some men came to me.
11:59:08 I feel like I gave them to me when I was driving one day,
11:59:10 because I really wanted my own methodology. You know,
11:59:12 I wanted my own thing and that came to me and I've just stuck with it.
11:59:16 I've come up with like a whole bunch of different names for it,
11:59:18 but eight C's just really capturing.
11:59:20 And I definitely believe that what's you're saying is.
11:59:23 Everyone's always selling and I, and I.
11:59:26 I'd like to debate that topic a lot,
11:59:28 because there's a famous sales guru who says, sell or be sold.
11:59:31 And.
11:59:35 I just,
11:59:36 I don't agree because I feel as though when you're making authentic
11:59:39 connections, you don't have to have an agenda.
11:59:42 Of those connections and you can kind of turn off the.
11:59:46 Agenda and just be and relate.
11:59:49 And I, I.
11:59:52 I learned this along the ways you need to have that upfront
11:59:54 conversation, especially in a business arrangement.
12:00:01 What the,
12:00:03 what the meeting is for is the meeting to sell is the meeting
12:00:06 to have coffee. Is it to have a once a one.
12:00:12 What does that mean to the other person?
12:00:14 Because everyone is at a different skill set.
12:00:16 So you need to be very clear about that meeting and what that meeting
12:00:19 is supposed to accomplish.
12:00:20 Absolutely.
12:00:21 Even when you're meeting someone for the very first time and you don't
12:00:25 even know what they do, right.
12:00:32 You don't know what they do. You don't know what their background is.
12:00:36 They might do or rather be in the same industry that you're
12:00:40 in. You would never know in the beginning. So you may reference.
12:00:43 To the 32nd, what is your value proposition?
12:00:46 Yes.
12:00:47 Now you don't think that that sales either.
12:00:49 What do you think?
12:00:50 Well, if somebody asks you, what do you do?
12:00:52 Then you can answer that question.
12:01:11 You know, and if they are intrigued by your answer,
12:01:14 then they may ask you more.
12:01:16 But a 32nd commercial or a value proposition is more of
12:01:19 an answer to, in a social setting. That's somebody saying,
12:01:23 what do you do now? A lot of times someone asks you, what do you do?
12:01:26 You may get offended. It's like, why are you asking me what I do? But.
12:01:29 In the business.
12:01:30 Or area, or even in the grocery.
12:01:32 It's going to build your confidence if you have more of a canned
12:01:35 response to the question. Right?
12:01:38 So that's what I encourage.
12:01:39 Oh,
12:01:40 a more of a Cannes response to a common question that
12:01:44 we'll introduce to anyone, what you do.
12:01:46 So we need to practice them and we should.
12:01:49 Be afraid of practicing,
12:01:51 especially if it feels like it's in a safe.
12:01:54 Environment, because there you,
12:01:55 you don't technically have a physical product that you're
12:01:59 selling.
12:02:00 Right. Your introducing yourself to this newer
12:02:04 person.
12:02:05 I'll tell you in project management,
12:02:07 when we are speaking to new teams. Okay.
12:02:11 Everything that you said.
12:02:12 Is what we have to do.
12:02:14 They don't know us from a can of paint.
12:02:21 They have no idea whether or not we are certified,
12:02:24 whether we're not certified,
12:02:26 whether or not this is our very first project,
12:02:28 whether or not we don't even want this project.
12:02:30 We really don't want this project. We just.
12:02:32 Talked at the wrong time.
12:02:34 In a meeting and because we talked at the wrong time in a meeting.
12:02:37 Fantastic. I'm so happy.
12:02:39 Yes.
12:02:40 Your other project manager.
12:02:41 Yes you are.
12:02:42 And then because of that, now we have to be.
12:02:46 Out of ourselves a little bit.
12:02:50 I know that we have to be that face of this
12:02:54 initiative.
12:02:58 And in sales,
12:02:59 are there times when you really.
12:03:02 You are only with my viewers.
12:03:05 Okay.
12:03:06 So.
12:03:26 Are there times when you don't want to sell whatever that product is
12:03:30 because it's not your product. Has that ever happened in your career?
12:03:34 Because in product management,
12:03:35 sometimes we run projects that we can't stand,
12:03:38 but we have to act like this is the best thing in the history of ever.
12:03:41 Have you ever had to sell a product?
12:03:44 We're service.
12:03:45 That you weren't feeling.
12:03:46 Yes. Or the, the PR.
12:03:49 You know, a lot of things that I do are connected to people and
12:03:53 you know, maybe that person,
12:03:55 I didn't really have that great chemistry with.
12:03:57 But I can see the value in their product.
12:03:59 So.
12:04:19 I think I would answer that question by saying,
12:04:21 so when you're a sales person,
12:04:23 you could almost sell yourself anything.
12:04:24 You look for features and benefits that you do enjoy,
12:04:27 and then you bring out those features and benefits when it comes to
12:04:30 the selling part where it is, unless somebody asks you,
12:04:34 what would you improve about the product or service or what are the
12:04:36 flaws or the struggles. You're really not gonna answer that question.
12:04:39 Right? So you lead with.
12:04:41 Your features and benefits and the parts that.
12:04:42 You can connect to.
12:04:43 And then the parts that you don't connect with, you.
12:04:46 Extract.
12:04:47 Like, I'm not even going to say it. I might think.
12:04:49 But I'm not going to say it almost as if we're at the restaurant and
12:04:53 they're telling you about our current specials.
12:04:55 And our current specials are this and this and this.
12:04:57 And I want you to try this and this and this. And then of course,
12:05:00 there's someone at the table who's going to say, well,
12:05:03 did you like it?
12:05:04 Yep. That's it.
12:05:05 They do like it, and you can always tell by their response.
12:05:09 Whether or not.
12:05:10 They didn't like it,
12:05:11 or you might actually get someone who's just honest.
12:05:13 It's like, you know what.
12:05:14 You're not even going to like it.
12:05:16 I had to tell you.
12:05:17 That it was on the menu.
12:05:19 So I told you that was on the menu,
12:05:21 but this isn't what I would recommend. Anyone eating.
12:05:26 I don't like it at all. And I have experienced that.
12:05:29 I've actually had people tell me.
12:05:30 Don't eat that.
12:05:31 Oh man.
12:05:37 The referral for me,
12:05:38 they're a good referral for me because a lot of times it's because the
12:05:41 person who is your waiter or waitress.
12:05:43 Isn't a sales expert, you know?
12:05:45 So they don't have the verbiage in their repertoire.
12:05:53 To be able to deal with tough questions.
12:05:56 So you have to be able to, that's why we practice.
12:05:58 That's why we create scripts. And that's why we role play.
12:06:05 And we practice because you have to have a repertoire
12:06:09 to pull from in order to overcome obstacles and
12:06:13 issues on a team.
12:06:15 At a restaurant.
12:06:16 You know, when you're working the front desk,
12:06:18 have you ever called someone at the front desk and you feel like,
12:06:20 what are you doing?
12:06:21 Is because they don't have a script, they don't have a process.
12:06:24 They are winging it. And based on their sophistication,
12:06:27 That they may not be able to navigate.
12:06:30 With prowess, you know, so these are things that.
12:06:35 We do to practice and sales and communication.
12:06:38 I'm a communication major.
12:06:40 So that we can navigate any trial.
12:06:45 When did you find out that you were running projects?
12:06:48 Well,
12:06:49 That light bulb pop on his head. Oh, snap.
12:06:51 I do run projects.
12:06:56 When I met Veronica a week ago, let me start. I'm just playing,
12:06:59 you know,
12:07:06 No, actually I sold project management, cert certifications,
12:07:10 PMP, and the C P M P I think that's called.
12:07:13 Yes. So I was.
12:07:15 Working for a call center as a call center manager.
12:07:35 Is we sold the project management.
12:07:38 So I became familiar with some of the terminology.
12:07:40 So that was like the first time where I really understood, okay.
12:07:43 These project things happen and they talk about, you know,
12:07:46 certain vernacular,
12:07:48 but I really couldn't take the certification because I was like,
12:07:51 this is hard stuff here. Like.
12:07:53 Whoa. I don't know if this is within, you know, my skillset,
12:07:57 my special set of skills, because at that time planning an
12:08:01 organization.
12:08:02 And OCD.
12:08:03 Type.
12:08:05 Mannerisms were so far.
12:08:07 From add.
12:08:08 I didn't understand how I could stretch myself that far. Right.
12:08:11 So then as I got older and more mature and took on more
12:08:15 responsibilities as a leader.
12:08:16 I started hearing people say words like the deliverables are.
12:08:20 Deliverables. What is that?
12:08:21 Or that's not within the project scope and I'm learning.
12:08:24 The project scope.
12:08:27 And so as I became a leader and was on boards
12:08:31 and, you know, really took all responsibilities.
12:08:34 And worked with other people. That's when I realized, okay,
12:08:37 there's some Google searches that I need to do.
12:08:39 And it took me back.
12:08:40 To that first.
12:08:48 Relationship with the PMP and the project management certifications.
12:08:51 You really only have to know the overall theme or a topic to sell
12:08:55 it.
12:08:56 Okay.
12:08:57 Two project management professionals,
12:08:59 because they already really know what they want.
12:09:00 You're just really building value in those key elements in the way.
12:09:03 Then they're going to experience.
12:09:05 You know these certifications, but when I was actually any.
12:09:08 As a leader in an organization and people kept bringing up all of
12:09:11 these deadlines and.
12:09:17 Just the verbiage of project management and I had to go back and
12:09:21 reassess what I was doing. That's when that's, when I found out. Okay.
12:09:24 You're writing projects, girlfriend and I still.
12:09:28 Being that my interaction with you help even bring me back to it again
12:09:32 to say like, no.
12:09:33 Like you are a project manager for Georgia.
12:09:40 You need to really look at your project management skills and look at
12:09:44 your events and look at your clients as the project manager.
12:09:48 Mint to it,
12:09:49 making sure that you're delivering excellence because if you know
12:09:53 Veronica.
12:09:59 You know,
12:10:01 that's one of her favorite words and I think God is putting all these
12:10:04 people in my life with that favorite word.
12:10:07 And so that is why I know project management now.
12:10:10 And you're using a lot of the words.
12:10:12 When, when you were speaking about.
12:10:15 Assisting your tribe.
12:10:17 And talking through what the goals were.
12:10:19 Okay. That's a word.
12:10:20 Talking about the objectives of that particular
12:10:23 conversation.
12:10:24 That's the word.
12:10:25 The fact that you created a methodology.
12:10:29 Yes.
12:10:33 That's what we do. Okay.
12:10:36 Always.
12:10:41 Some sort of an order of operations.
12:10:44 That's the terminology that I use.
12:10:46 What is the order of operations?
12:10:48 Because most people.
12:10:53 Don't know that they're running projects.
12:10:55 So you want to use terminology that they're comfortable with.
12:10:58 It's not so much what, what the word is.
12:11:00 Right.
12:11:02 It's what it means.
12:11:03 And that's why you're able to sell anything.
12:11:06 Because it's not so much what the product is.
12:11:08 It's what you said, what are the benefits of it?
12:11:17 How will this assist someone?
12:11:19 The exact same thing holds true for project management.
12:11:21 It doesn't matter what the project is. You have a methodology.
12:11:32 Yes. And you're going to extract all the lead information from the
12:11:36 methodology based upon the particular situation that you're currently
12:11:39 in.
12:11:41 And that's why we're talking because you're excellent and didn't know
12:11:44 it.
12:11:45 All of the fantastic things that you're already doing,
12:11:48 but I have that project management mind.
12:11:50 Where I see the world through this lens.
12:11:54 And so when I'm speaking to someone.
12:11:55 And I think myself.
12:11:57 They don't even know how great they are.
12:11:59 I made. Yeah.
12:12:00 Make sure that I let everyone else know.
12:12:02 And, and in, so doing.
12:12:03 Now you have something that you can see.
12:12:07 That. Yeah, I'm actually doing this. Not only am I doing this,
12:12:10 but I'm awesome.
12:12:12 At.
12:12:13 Doing this.
12:12:14 So my next question for you.
12:12:21 I'm like, I'm looking around because now I'm like,
12:12:23 and I wrote a book about it actually. It's called you gold girl,
12:12:27 the ultimate guide to achieving your goals.
12:12:28 We always straight answer.
12:12:29 If a marshal.
12:12:30 Because I literally do not.
12:12:32 See it that way and yours.
12:12:34 And you're bringing this aha moment to me.
12:12:36 That goal setting.
12:12:41 Is like project deadlines, you know,
12:12:43 because you have to have a plan of women goals going to be met.
12:12:46 Because it's gotta be smart.
12:12:47 No specific measures.
12:12:58 Yes. Okay, cool. Every time I talked to you,
12:13:00 I feel like it is an enlightenment of, you know,
12:13:03 And you make me proud of myself because.
12:13:06 I didn't think that I was a good planner.
12:13:09 In now I feel more confident in my planning skills.
12:13:12 So think as you doing it.
12:13:15 And when we first started talking.
12:13:18 Where I was going with that. This is our life.
12:13:21 You're selling your life. It doesn't matter what.
12:13:23 What the words are.
12:13:30 Or the terms that you choose to associate to
12:13:34 what you're doing.
12:13:35 Everyone can feel what it is.
12:13:37 Yeah.
12:13:38 Do you make people feel comfortable having conversations with you?
12:13:54 If you do,
12:13:55 then they are going to buy what you didn't know you were selling.
12:13:59 And,
12:14:00 and that purchase that they're willing to make is their time because
12:14:04 you don't ever get time back. Once it's used, it's used is gone.
12:14:06 So if someone's speaking to you for five, 10 minutes,
12:14:10 They didn't have to do that.
12:14:11 No, one's obligated.
12:14:12 Right.
12:14:14 There is what, what, what we call the opportunity costs.
12:14:17 Everything has an opportunity cost. So while I'm doing this,
12:14:20 it means that I'm not doing something else.
12:14:22 There's always an exchange.
12:14:24 I'm doing this because this is what I love to do.
12:14:26 Literally I'm doing this.
12:14:28 Because this is what I love to do.
12:14:30 Right. And amplifying that.
12:14:34 For those that might be saying, I don't know if this is for me.
12:14:44 I know that there are people who are running projects,
12:14:48 but I just, I just don't know.
12:14:50 I'm not sure if that is for me, but people are looking at you.
12:14:53 Yeah. And they're seeing through their own lens.
12:15:00 What could potentially be possible for them?
12:15:03 I was thinking about that when I was considering our conversation
12:15:06 today.
12:15:07 I thought to myself.
12:15:09 What do people see?
12:15:10 When they see us.
12:15:14 Have you ever been in.
12:15:16 A meeting.
12:15:24 And most of the people and send meeting look absolutely nothing like
12:15:28 you. Yes, absolutely.
12:15:30 Nothing.
12:15:31 Like you.
12:15:32 Then someone pops in.
12:15:34 And they do.
12:15:38 Look like you, and you're saying, I see your brownness. Yes.
12:15:42 I recognize, and we don't say anything.
12:15:45 We just do a head nod. I see you. I see you.
12:15:47 That's me do.
12:15:51 Do you feel as though you're also.
12:15:54 Representing what's possible.
12:16:00 For other people who didn't know what you were doing was possible.
12:16:04 Absolutely.
12:16:05 Absolutely.
12:16:06 You know,
12:16:07 I joke.
12:16:08 A win.
12:16:09 When.
12:16:22 Going through it, you know,
12:16:23 like I'm the spokesperson for the Brown race? You know,
12:16:26 the black race. I was spokesperson because so many rooms,
12:16:29 I'm the only one. And when someone else walks in, I always.
12:16:32 You know,
12:16:33 try to make them feel welcomed and just my skin allows them
12:16:37 to. And how can I embrace.
12:16:40 My diversity.
12:16:42 You know, when I first started my business.
12:16:43 The, it was out of necessity. I didn't know what I was doing.
12:16:53 I was basically taking off my name tag, Georgia ink,
12:16:56 and essentially putting on my client's name tag and showing up as a
12:17:00 brand ambassador for them to generate leads.
12:17:03 So the same networking where.
12:17:04 I knew.
12:17:06 Maybe some of the people I would say, Hey, I'm here for this name tag.
12:17:09 So our conversation needs to be centered around this brand.
12:17:11 And they'd be like, Oh, okay.
12:17:13 That's cool. That's different.
12:17:14 Let me ask you some questions about that, you know?
12:17:20 Because they were intrigued. Right.
12:17:22 But then I would tell those business owners just by me and embracing
12:17:25 you, you now have a business of diversity because.
12:17:28 So many of them don't realize just one showing up in the
12:17:31 room brings diversity.
12:17:33 And then that, because you're there,
12:17:36 the next person is feeling more comfortable.
12:17:38 But we have to be intentional.
12:17:42 If anything,
12:17:44 any advice is where I'm going to take this right now is to be
12:17:46 intentional.
12:17:48 About making it happen.
12:17:57 And that is the biggest challenge. We have one or two,
12:18:00 and if it's a predominantly different audience,
12:18:03 they don't really pay attention.
12:18:05 They don't have awareness that that happened.
12:18:07 And they don't.
12:18:08 Essentially show that they care.
12:18:11 Because they don't go out of their way to make sure that
12:18:15 person comes back and that they bring their friends and.
12:18:19 Then go find more people like that. So,
12:18:31 You have to be intentional to make it happen.
12:18:33 As me and Veronica talked about is in sales.
12:18:36 People do business with who they know who they like, who they trust.
12:18:39 And normally in most cases we trust and like the people who look like
12:18:43 us,
12:18:44 And if you're inviting your friends and your friends,
12:18:47 Are opposite. You.
12:18:48 And your friends.
12:18:49 Yeah. If you, if the friends that you have looked like you officially,
12:18:52 whatever organization you're a part of is going to look like you.
12:18:55 So you have to be intentional.
12:18:56 You don't have a lot of friends that like opposite that you are trying
12:18:59 to intentionally find them, take a liking to them.
12:19:01 Do.
12:19:02 You don't try to convey genuinely authentically connect with them and
12:19:05 invite them into your world.
12:19:06 That's the comfort zone though, right?
12:19:08 Most people want to feel comfortable.
12:19:10 Through that comfort.
12:19:12 You're also framing.
12:19:16 What your business looks like? Yeah.
12:19:19 There's nothing wrong with it.
12:19:29 So that is one of the biggest things that I want our listeners to gain
12:19:33 from this is that there's nothing wrong with wanting to feel
12:19:36 comfortable. Absolutely not.
12:19:39 But there is something not so great about causing others to feel
12:19:43 uncomfortable. So that's the rub. That's, that's the difference.
12:19:47 You can feel comfortable,
12:19:48 just don't make other people feel uncomfortable and most people don't
12:19:51 even see.
12:19:52 That.
12:19:54 In public, but secret head nod.
12:19:56 That might be taking place.
12:19:57 Right.
12:20:00 B between those like energy
12:20:04 sources.
12:20:05 Yeah.
12:20:11 And they look like if them to talk to each other, it's almost like,
12:20:14 Oh, look at them. They always click together.
12:20:16 There's including themselves. And it's like, there's just two of us.
12:20:20 It's okay for that. It is too.
12:20:24 I have, I have walked into.
12:20:32 Trainings actually, I will say walked into,
12:20:34 but now that we are all in the world of virtual yeah.
12:20:38 I've had individuals login to my classes.
12:20:41 That I've said, Oh,
12:20:42 Oh, Hey.
12:20:44 Hey girl, how.
12:20:45 And I'm like,
12:20:50 Excellent. Excellent.
12:20:51 So we are going to be talking about managing multiple projects and
12:20:53 priorities today.
12:20:54 We'll be getting started. [unknown].
12:20:55 But I see you.
12:20:57 And I want you to know what's possible.
12:20:59 Just just by our presence.
12:21:01 I want you to know.
12:21:04 What's possible, but see, we have another layer.
12:21:07 It's not just.
12:21:10 The MOCA talk a lotta.
12:21:12 That they see when they see us.
12:21:17 There's also the fact that we may or may not.
12:21:22 Be in spaces where there's mostly men in those spaces.
12:21:26 So there's a two-fold.
12:21:28 Yes, we're Brown.
12:21:30 But also we're women.
12:21:37 Have you ever felt like that was a difference that you had
12:21:41 to overcome?
12:21:42 In your career.
12:21:43 Yes.
12:21:44 Mainly in the sales world, because there are a lot of sales.
12:21:47 Managers consultive leaders, directors.
12:21:51 At all levels tend to be men. So really.
12:21:56 Being aggressive in disciplines in
12:22:00 bolts.
12:22:01 You know, can sometimes.
12:22:03 Conflate with my more caring.
12:22:22 In compassionate, in loving,
12:22:25 nurturing type of sales techniques where, you know,
12:22:28 anybody can do it. I believe in you come on guys, one step at a time.
12:22:32 Let's take a baby step today where it,
12:22:34 and I feel like that vibe is a lot.
12:22:37 It's a drastic difference.
12:22:38 Some of my male colleagues.
12:22:41 But we've, but we find a way in,
12:22:44 I've also seen that energy and I talk about introverted
12:22:48 and ambiverted an extroverted people in
12:22:51 sometimes.
12:22:53 When I talked to my introverted friends.
12:22:55 They or, you know, colleagues, they say.
12:22:58 When an extrovert walks in the room, they can.
12:23:00 Take the energy just by their mere presence. Like.
12:23:02 You know, they come in, they don't even say anything yet.
12:23:05 And it's like, yeah,
12:23:06 They can feel the vibration.
12:23:07 You know,
12:23:12 And I feel as though sometimes that can be uneasy for someone who's in
12:23:15 the room. It's taking so much energy just to attend.
12:23:18 And then here comes this big vibrates after invested
12:23:22 bubbly.
12:23:23 Sassy soul. And they're like, Oh my goodness, how do I.
12:23:27 Interact with this thing.
12:23:31 So, you know, being self-aware, you know, I have to.
12:23:34 Breathing.
12:23:42 Slowly maneuver my way to the person and help them feel comfortable
12:23:47 as well. So not changing who you are not.
12:24:00 You know, this owning your authenticity,
12:24:02 but behavioral modifications, right?
12:24:05 So that you can better connect with the room that you're serving in,
12:24:08 in, in, like Veronica said,
12:24:10 she was aware that her Brown is shocks people on the little square.
12:24:14 They're like, Whoa.
12:24:15 And so she grabbed.
12:24:17 With the smile.
12:24:18 And she has locks too, right?
12:24:19 That's different.
12:24:20 Can I touch it? They can't touch it on zoom, but anyways,
12:24:23 that's a whole nother conversation for a different day.
12:24:25 But.
12:24:27 These things she is doing to make her audience feel
12:24:31 comfortable and know that even though we're different.
12:24:38 I still embrace your differences and love you through your
12:24:40 differences.
12:24:41 And I feel like that's what real salesmen professional
12:24:45 salesmanship is.
12:24:46 Being able to be professional is caring. Is relationship.
12:25:02 Is business development. Didn't realize that in the,
12:25:05 when I first started my business,
12:25:06 I just thought everybody who does sales is caring and has relationship
12:25:09 and calls people and checks on them. But that isn't the case,
12:25:13 you know? So I had to change some of my messaging.
12:25:15 So to get that across.
12:25:17 So, yeah.
12:25:18 How authentic are you now? Most of us go.
12:25:21 Through a transformation.
12:25:23 And.
12:25:24 In traditional project management.
12:25:26 There is the thought that I don't pay you.
12:25:29 And I don't write your reviews.
12:25:30 Wow. So for you to be able to do something.
12:25:33 You have to want to do it. There has to be some spark,
12:25:36 some inspiration.
12:25:38 That is causing you to want to show up right.
12:25:41 That usually comes from how we show up though.
12:25:44 Because we're no longer receiving.
12:25:47 Energy.
12:25:48 We are now the energy giver.
12:25:50 Right.
12:26:01 We give more energy when we're being our authentic
12:26:05 selves and then pouring that energy into
12:26:09 our teams.
12:26:11 Did you recognize that that transition was taking place?
12:26:15 That you're like, I'm not actually just taking in.
12:26:18 In past roles, I was able to just sit back.
12:26:20 And absorb that extrovert.
12:26:24 And make sure that I took from them what I needed to,
12:26:27 but there's always a shift.
12:26:28 When we're leading right.
12:26:39 Did you recognize the shift as it happened?
12:26:42 Did you find yourself being even more authentic when you
12:26:46 identified that? Actually they are gaining.
12:26:49 Things from me almost like you're about to be.
12:26:52 Immortal.
12:26:53 Because information.
12:27:01 That you're sharing with them, whatever they take,
12:27:03 they're going to use.
12:27:05 And then if someone sees that in them and they like it and they take
12:27:08 it now, they're going to use it.
12:27:10 I'm not saying you're a superhero.
12:27:12 But it does feel like it is a super power though.
12:27:14 You know,
12:27:15 The super.
12:27:17 If you operate in your super power,
12:27:19 it does help you gain confidence. Being in authentic for me.
12:27:32 Was when I was trying to cower down and you know,
12:27:36 you know, no, I don't want to be in the frame. You go, you know,
12:27:39 but no, seriously, I want to be in the front.
12:27:41 Like I was called to be on stage. Like I need to be the orator.
12:27:52 You know, I'm still, I rise, phenomenal woman, phenomenal leave.
12:27:55 And I'm in a woman. That's me, you know,
12:27:57 our deepest fear is not that we're an adequate is that we're greater
12:27:59 beyond measure. And that is who I am.
12:28:01 I'm this ball of excitement and energy.
12:28:04 And if you're in the room with me,
12:28:05 I'm going to ignite a fire inside of you. Right. So, okay.
12:28:08 But you.
12:28:09 It authentic.
12:28:10 I when I'm in authentic, I say, no, no, no, you do it.
12:28:13 But in my authenticity, knowing that I'm this ball of energy.
12:28:16 I can now say, okay, Georgia.
12:28:18 Yeah. You know, you want to be in the frame.
12:28:19 So when they're going to call people out for the pictures,
12:28:21 you're going to sit in the front, in the middle.
12:28:23 Period.
12:28:24 Allow the other people to shine around you.
12:28:26 It's just, it's where you want to be stopped.
12:28:28 Like you don't want to be there if someone else is sitting there.
12:28:31 Am I good with sitting on the side or even being in the back?
12:28:33 I'm cool with that.
12:28:34 But the Rumi is going to be in the middle.
12:28:36 And probably have on the brightest color too.
12:28:38 So, yeah.
12:28:40 These are things that are real to me is being that I help and work
12:28:44 with so many people with that.
12:28:47 Amazing genius that they process things internally.
12:28:50 They have such gifting.
12:28:52 In order for me to help them and work with them.
12:28:55 I have to be able to be quiet.
12:28:57 So that they can share.
12:29:07 And extract.
12:29:08 And I also have to modify that room sometimes and use my
12:29:12 assertiveness to say to someone who is out of order to say, listen,
12:29:16 that person hasn't had a chance to speak yet.
12:29:18 We're not going to be doing that today.
12:29:19 So then that person's like,
12:29:21 Because they won't interrupt you.
12:29:22 At all.
12:29:24 So.
12:29:25 Taming myself and then taming the rooms of this other genius can then
12:29:29 work in their superpower of planning.
12:29:32 Whatever their super power is.
12:29:33 That's part of being authentic to me,
12:29:35 I care about what they have to say.
12:29:37 It's a beautiful thing.
12:29:39 And at one point, most of us.
12:29:44 Received our energy from doing the thing.
12:29:48 Our excitement came from doing the thing.
12:29:51 Then a shift happens.
12:29:59 And our excitement is from seeing others
12:30:02 incorporate the thing that we just taught them.
12:30:07 Now they're elevated to that next place.
12:30:10 So our excitement starts to come.
12:30:13 From the other people that we get to watch to bloom.
12:30:17 Yeah. And they're blooming and such.
12:30:18 Beautiful.
12:30:19 Magnific. I have chill bumps right now.
12:30:22 Magnificent.
12:30:23 Way.
12:30:25 That it makes us want to share.
12:30:28 As much as we possibly can.
12:30:34 Because we know that they're going to get a benefit from it.
12:30:37 My excitement today.
12:30:39 Has it been sharing you?
12:30:44 With everybody else,
12:30:46 but I want to make sure that they're able to get in contact with you
12:30:49 though.
12:30:50 Okay.
12:30:51 How can they do it? What do you have coming up?
12:30:53 Okay.
12:30:55 So.
12:30:58 Going to share my website, Georgie
12:31:01 That's J O R G I E I N
12:31:08 You can also go to
12:31:12 And that's where you can schedule a 15 minute complimentary session
12:31:16 with me.
12:31:17 You could call me.
12:31:18 My phone number is (813) 239-4681.
12:31:28 My phone is how I connect.
12:31:31 So I love talking to people and connecting with them on social media,
12:31:35 Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are my favorite.
12:31:39 So I look forward to hearing from you and connecting with you in.
12:31:43 Igniting that sales fire inside of you as well.
12:31:46 I thank you. Thank you so much for being with us today.
12:31:48 Thank you all for logging in to after hours conversations
12:31:52 with Veronica.
12:31:54 I look forward to speaking with you next time. Thanks for coming.